piosphere will celebrate the 1st piosphere Award in 2016 which selects the best Spanish startup.
The winner will receive 3,000 € and will attend the BayStartUp DemoNight in November 2016 in Munich
(incl. flights & accommodations for two).
piosphere is an initiative promoted by the German-Spanish Chamber of Commerce with the goal of
fostering the German-Spanish startup ecosystem by:
– connecting Spanish startups with German investors
– having privileged connections to both the Spanish startup scene and German Corporate and Venture Capital investors
– providing help in accessing new markets and finding business opportunities
Click here for more information.
#Savethedate: May 17th,- 6:30pm
Sabemos que te gustan los eventos igual que a nosotros, suscríbete y te mantendremos al día de todas nuestras novedades.