Streaming Auditorio Spark: 4º Foro Global de Telecentros

29 de mayo de 07:00h a 09:00h



The Spark13 conference is set to take center stage in Granada, Spain,  May 28-29, 2013. Organized by Foundation, Telecentre-Europe, Comunidad de Redes de Telecentros, la Red Guadalinfo, and the National Information Agency of Korea, the conference is expected to bring together over 1,300 participants from the information and communication technology for development (ICT4D) sector as well as private, public, and nonprofit organizations from around the globe. The conference will also serve as a meeting of the Global Telecentre Network, which has an estimated total of 500,000 telecentres serving  approximately 1 billion users worldwide. Hosted in Europe for the first time, Spark is the fourth Global Forum on Telecentres, with previous events held in Tunisia (2005), Malaysia (2007), and Chile (2011).  Spark is only possible with the generous support of numerous sponsors.

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