Te invitamos a seguir en directo el simposium internacional: "El desarrollo del talento: 20 años del programa estrella", un evento que nace, en colaboración con la Institución Educativa SEK y la Universidad Camilo José Cela porque formar el talento es la mejor innovación en la educación.
Aquí tienes el programa, para que no te pierdas ni un minuto:
09.15 a 09.30 – Sesión de Apertura
09.30 a 10.30 – Conferencia: The scientifically guided counseling center for the gifted of the University of Rostock: Theoretical background, concept and some results of the research.
Cristoph Perleht. Chair for Educational and Special Psychology at the Rosa and David Katz Institute of Educational Psychology. University of Rostock.
10.30 a 11.30 – Conferencia: Excellence in Gifted Education: Towards a National Agenda
Taisir Subhi Yamin. President of the World Council for Gifted and Talented Children (WCGTC).General Director, the International Center for Innovation in Education (ICIE). Institut de Psychologie, Université Paris Descartes
11.30 a 12.30 – Conferencia: Why Gifted Programs Make a Difference in Students' Live.
Sally M. Reis, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor. Teaching Fellow. Department of Educational Psychology. University of Connecticut
12.30 a 13.30 – Descanso
13.30 a 15.00 – Acto solemne de Investidura como Doctores “Honoris Causa” por la Universidad Camilo José Cela de los profesores Howard Gardner y Joshep Renzulli.
15.00 a 16.30 – Almuerzo
16.30 a 17.30 – Conferencia: The Theory of Multiple Intelligences: As Psychology, As Social Science, and as Educational Practice.
Howard Gardner. Hobbs Professor of Cognition and Education. Harvard Graduate School of Education. Premio Principe de Asturias de Ciencias Sociales 2011.
17.30 a 18.30 – Conferencia: What Makes Giftedness and How Do We Develop It In Young People?
Joseph S. Renzulli, Director of The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented. University of Connecticut Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor Raymond and Lynn Neag Professor of Gifted Education and Talent Development
18.30 a 19.00 – Descanso
19.00 a 19.30 – Reconocimiento de profesores y alumnos del Programa Estrella
19.45 a 20.15 – Panel de Expertos: “El desarrollo del Talento”
Ponente: Ellen Winner. Professor of Psychology at Boston College, and Senior Research Associate at Project Zero, Harvard Graduate School of Education.
Participan: H. Gardner, J. Renzulli, C. Perleht, S. Reys y T. Subhi Yamin
Coordinadora: Luz Pérez
20.15 a 20.30 – Clausura del acto.
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